Source : Google 

What happens when Google + is suspended ?

Others can’t view your profile.You cannot share posts or commentsCannot +1 contentCannot join or create pages, hangouts, events, or communitiesYou are unbale to add people to your circlesSharing across other Google products and services stopsYou can still sign in your G+ account and view others activities.

Note: You can use other Google Products like Gmail, Spaces etc.

How to Restore Suspended Google + Profile ?

Your profile name violates Google’s policies

If your Google Plus Profile impersonates someone or you are using any nicknames for your profile, your G+ is suspended. What to do ?

Just log in to your Google Plus Account and appeal for a review.You can send photo ID or web links to prove your identity when asked.If your submitted details pass the inspection process your G+ account will be automatically reinstated within 48 hours.

What to do if Review Appeal is Rejected ?

If your appeal for account review is not passed you can send a second appeal.

In your G+ profile you will be provided with a link.Provide as much information and details as possible to Google.Wait for Google to contact you directly.

If everything goes fine, you can access your account within a day.

Your profile activity violates Google’s policies

If your account is suspended because of sharing abusive or sexual content, using spam or abusive language. Than your profile is prone to be striked. What to do ?

Remove all the content that violates G policies.Follow on screen instructions to submit an appeal.Appeals are reviewed within few days and if passed your profile suspension is lifted.

What to do if Review Appeal is Rejected ?

If your appeal for account review is not passed then try the following – Note: Please be patient as it may take time for any process to complete, many users have reported to get access to their G+ profile after 48 hours of appeal.

How to Prevent Future Suspension from Google ?

You can prevent future suspension from Google by just avoiding the 4 Big Mistakes that people make while they use G+. Note & Conclusion : Contacting Google is only last hope for your account reinstatement. Have patients, contact community managers, ask for help in Google forums. Do comment below for any further assistance. If you’ve any thoughts on Unblock and Recover your Suspended Google Plus profile, then feel free to drop in below comment box. Also, please subscribe to our DigitBin YouTube channel for videos tutorials. Cheers!

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